Forward Observer — The Lejeune Matter, Some Good News Finally?

U.S. Senate Finally Steps In

LVMAC Poster Art 2005

For months there has been a hold-up in the passage of an omnibus veterans benefits bill in Congress, H.R. 1627, but this time to the good. The bill had started life providing only “…for certain requirements for the placement of monuments in Arlington National Cemetery …”, evolved into The Honoring Americans Act of 2011 from the House and finally emerged, mutated, from the Senate as the Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012.  What idiot said bill ‘riders’ are bad? (more…)

LVMAC Tidbits — TRICARE Prime Increase Starts in October

TRICARE Management Recommends Quarterly or Monthly Payments Due to Possible Changes

In a 23 July media release, TRICARE announced the Fiscal Year 2013 TRICARE Prime enrollment fee increases for uniformed service retirees and their families will go into effect 1 October 2012.

For all retirees, the annual enrollment fees for 2013 will be:

– $269.28 for retirees
– $538.56 for retirees and their family members (more…)