Improve the Pennsylvania State Veterans’ Commission

Published by Rich Hudzinski on

Interested in Becoming a Commissioner At-Large?

from Louisiana Dept. of VA

If you are a military veteran and interested in serving on the distinguished Pennsylvania State Veterans’ Commission, apply no later than July 12, 2024 using this link. There are two commissioner-at-large positions currently available, one of which must be filled by a female veteran only.

The Pennsylvania State Veterans’ Commission has existed since 1923, with good reason, to advise the governor, currently through his National Guard Adjutant General, on matters of importance to veterans.  Over the years, its significance has waned with its restructuring and the creation of an Office of Veterans Affairs, but it still has statutory importance of advantage to an earnestly proactive government.  It can be used to bring attention and to propose solutions to the valid needs of ex-service members and their families; to improve the functioning of government.

The commission is meant to “…advise the Adjutant General and the department [Department of Military and Veterans Affairs] on all matters pertaining to the status, welfare, benefits, employment and support of veterans and veterans’ programs in this Commonwealth and shall perform such other functions as are provided by law …”, such as investigating and recommending “… to the Governor legislation for submission to the General Assembly concerning veterans and their activities.”

Remarkably, Pennsylvania continues to have the fourth largest population of military veterans of any state, but it also has often continued to fall short in timely, meaningful attention to them.  Its population is in the 600,000’s like that of North Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia, but unlike them, it does not have the active duty military force presence to naturally heighten awareness of issues or a department of government directly reporting to the Governor that is exclusively devoted to military veterans’ needs.  Therefore, so much more the need to have a commission to double-check the system, both federal and state, to ensure the proper needs of veterans are addressed.

Currently, issues in the veterans arena abound.  The VA is undergoing a revolution in service and sizing; and the state’s veterans affairs system needs to follow suit, also.  Consequently, the finding of champions with applied experience has particular import during this period in the commission’s history.

Consider applying, especially if you have an expertise to offer, such as in the areas of skilled management practices or services related to healthcare management, education and training, employment and retraining services, or marketing and advertising.

But decide quickly!  The notice is again short and several documents must be provided electronically.  July 12 is fast approaching.  Click here.


As of 11 June 2024