LVCIL Reveals Its Assistive Technology Offerings

Published by Rich Hudzinski on

Helping Disabled and Aging Veterans to Live a Better Life

Fatima Nabavian, Coordinator of Community Accessibility and Related Programs, spoke to the council at its 17 July 2024  meeting in Hellertown about the assistive technology services LVCIL can provide to disabled citizens, among them our veterans — both those significantly disabled by military service, work or the effects of aging.  She also discussed assistive technology and home modification loans made available in this state and that her center provides financial management training for the disabled.

It should also be remembered that the Veterans Health Administration has a robust prosthetic services and some excellent home adaptation programs which may be of use.  The point here?  Where one program might fall short, the other may help or be a better option.  Consequently, as a result of this briefing by LVCIL, LVMAC will connect it to its counterpart(s) in the Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center system to help ensure the best possible service to our military veterans.  Assistive technology, to include telehealth, have an increasingly important role to play as government healthcare continues to put increasing emphasis on aging in place resources and services.

The briefing slides below provide more details and whom to contact for more information..

As of 20 July 2024