LVMAC News: Businesses! We Need Your Help and Thinking

Published by LVMAC on

The Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce, working with the Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council and others, intends to create a formal Veterans and Military Affairs Council.  More immediately, it is in the process of making a baseline assessment of those chamber of commerce initiatives most needed.   It realizes it must get beyond anecdotal experiences to have informed efforts.  Therefore, as part of the assessment, it must conduct a short survey to uncover what problems — if any — local employers are facing in finding, hiring and retaining veterans as employees.

Consequently, for the good of all, our Council is asking all LVMAC member and associate member organizations which are businesses in the Greater Lehigh Valley area,  all member organizations of the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce and/or Lehigh Valley Society of Human Resource Managers, all businesses who associate themselves with the Lehigh Valley Manufacturing Resource Center, and any other business small, medium or large located and recruiting in the Greater Lehigh Valley area to participate in this first-time ever, regional survey.

This is not a survey to solicit the opinions or observations of the general public, but, instead, an effort to add business sense to the development of future efforts.  It is soliciting  the views of as many businesses as possible, for-profit or non-profit, which hire employees in our Greater Lehigh Valley area because the  more who participate, the better the likely decision outcomes.

As a business, please take the time to complete this 7 to 10 question survey, excluding some basic but important company information. If done by the right person in your business to answer, it should take no more than 10 work minutes, not allowing for a half dozen interruptions and one coffee break.   We request that you submit your responses online as soon as possible but no later than January 30, 2020.

We know that you are busy, but this is one good and pragmatic American way of helping our veterans: guiding us useful efforts.  Consider it a holiday gift.

Click here to begin.


As of 20 December 2019
Updated 06 January (d/l extended to 30 Jan)