The Ford Motor Company in conjunction with the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH), is giving away three trucks to amputee Purple Heart Veterans. This good deed of caring for those who have borne the battle in their civilian life generally receives little attention in our area.
As it happens, one of these trucks is stopping in Macungie area. MOPH Chapter 190 (the Lehigh Valley chapter) and Bethany United Methodist Church (a local church which actively looks out for our veterans) are hosting a celebration event as a result. You will get a chance to see the truck in operation and meet Justin Burdette, the Purple Heart veteran who was awarded the truck.
While they are looking for veterans and the community to attend, they are also looking for riders to escort the truck to event from the local Comfort Suites. If interested, in so honoring our truly disabled warriors (those who have borne the battle), please contact Scotty Coyle, Director of Outreach, at 610-395-3613, ext. 30 or immediately.
The surge of new VA benefits have made veterans, servicemembers and their families targets for bad actors, more and more. The result has been recent federal, intragovernmental efforts to provide better knowledge and tools to Read more…
Apparently, the first effort to find two Commissioners-at-Large for the state’s most important legislatively-recognized advisory group on veterans matters — from those most affected — needs a second try. One wonders why this is so. Read more…
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