LVMAC Tidbit: OEF/OIF Vets Wanted for Walter Reed Comparative PTSD Study

Published by LVMAC on

National Intrepid Center of Excellence

Researchers at the National Intrepid Center of Excellence on the campus of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, are currently recruiting for a study in which they provide free evidence-based therapy to OEF/OIF military veterans, service members, guardsmen, and reservists experiencing combat-related PTSD.

The study is comparing Prolonged Exposure to Virtual Reality Exposure (VRE) with or without cognitive enhancers. The study is offering 9 free sessions of individual treatment to eligible individuals, and all participants receive exposure therapy. The study also offers 2 free functional MRI (brain scans) to assess recovery in those receiving VRE therapy and comparing them to healthy veterans, those with history of blast exposure and those with PTSD receiving usual care. If you are interested in participating, please contact the Study Coordinator, Ms. Patricia Taylor, at 240-507-6339.
NOTE: this study’s I.R.B. documentation has been filed and reviewed by VVA’s I.R.B. research officer and judged to be in compliance with all applicable human subjects research guidelines.

Source:  VVA Web Weekly, 14 February 2014, verbatim


As of 14 February 2014