Veteran SMART Round Table

The name of the event might not be clear in conveying the message, but the subject is:  hiring veterans is good business; and employers need to be proactive.  The question is how; and what to know to advantage. This is the first of a round of seminars for 2022.

LVMAC Tidbit: Lehigh County Seeks Applicants for the Position of Veterans Service Officer

Lehigh County must replace one of its full time veterans affairs employees immediately.   If you have the interest, brains and heart to become an accredited veterans service officer — one of the most sought-after qualifications in the complicated world of veterans affairs services — for the purpose of both assisting veterans in Lehigh County in knowing what benefits are available to them and in applying for them, this is the job you want.  Note that it is not a civil service position.

Location: Lehigh County Office of Veterans Affairs
Wage Type:  Hourly Rate:  Job Description below
Status: Full Time Wage Plus: N/A


Forward Observer: Want to hire Veterans? Consider Registered Apprenticeships

Are you a business interested in attracting and recruiting servicemembers separating from active duty (veterans)?   They are motivated men and women who can help to ensure your success and profitability.  However, although often highly skilled, they are not generally credentialed or running around with some unnecessary degree that will bring them to your attention.

The Department of Defense has recognized this deficiency and implemented DoD SkillBridge.  It may be worth checking out.  But there is another and less restrictive way more suited to your needs to do the same.  Consider developing a Registered Apprenticeship Program to overcome the skills barrier. (more…)