Veteran SMART Round Table

The name of the event might not be clear in conveying the message, but the subject is:  hiring veterans is good business; and employers need to be proactive.  The question is how; and what to know to advantage. This is the first of a round of seminars for 2022.

LVMAC Tidbit: Continue Your Service: Now Is the Time to Join the VA?

VA releases data on vacancies as required under MISSION Act

va-logo-featured-news-releaseWhat the VA seeks is a steady, intelligent, reliable, adaptable workers who can tolerate its bureaucracy because a greater good is served and can work in it in creative ways.  Sound like someone who has just completed full-time military service honorably, and is not in the Reserve Components and subject to likely call-up?  It should.

The article below from the VA Office of Public and Intergovernmental Relations suggests good, family-wage employment opportunities, especially if you are willing to travel and relocate, although some of these opportunities now exist in the Greater Lehigh Valley and Eastern Pennsylvania areas.  Regardless, is the idea of relocation new to a professional, military servicemember?  We do not think so — another advantage over your non-veteran peers we have heard.

With over ten percent of its positions vacant and being an organization which is growing, now might be the time to inquire for employment.  And if needed, do not overlook its educational cost offset opportunities.  The G.I. Bill is not the only game in town. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Looking for a Job in State or Local Government in PA? Do Know About the Veterans Preference Law?

PA State LogoThe Commownwealth’s Veterans Preference statute might not be the greatest thing since sliced butter and we have heard that there have been problems of fairness in hiring veterans in by state government. It is what drove a state law which now requires a veteran to be appointed to the state’s Civil Service Commission.  However, that does not mean you should be ignorant of the benefit when applying.  It has helped many. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Want to Learn How to Drive and Get Paid?

NCC Offers Free Tuition for Truck Driver Training

NCC LogoAccording to a 4 March 2016 posting by Northampton Community College (NCC), a grant from the United States Department of Transportation has enabled the college to offer free commercial truck driver training to current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their spouses (including current members of the National Guard and Reserves) who reside in Northampton, Monroe, Pike, Wayne, Carbon, or Lackawanna counties.   [Editor’s Note: It is unfortunate such a course offering does not exist for Lehigh County residents.] (more…)