Military and Veteran Family Starter Kit for the Wounded and Injured

Wounded Warrior Call Centers #

Army Recovery Care Program: #

The Army Recovery Care Program (ARCP) was formerly known as the  Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). This is the official, U.S. Army program that assists and advocates for severely wounded, ill, and injured soldiers, veterans, and their families, wherever they are located, regardless of military status.  It supports these soldiers and their families throughout their recovery and transition, even into veteran status. Another source of information, can be found here.  Unlike the Marines, the Army seems incapable of a call center concept, which is beneficial to families in distress.

Marine Wounded Warrior Regiment Call Center: #

The Marines’ Wounded Warrior Regiment Call Center:  This 24/7 operation, which can also be reached by telephone at 1-877-487-6299, provides to wounded, ill, and injured (WII) Marines and their families advice and support for many issues, including medical/psychological health concerns.  It will assist active, reserve, and veteran Marines.

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Local Family Assistance Center #

Allentown Family Assistance Center (FAC):  Although under contract through the National Guard, a Family Assistance Center provides assistance to all serving regardless of status, recent veterans, and their families not just the National Guard’s.  It offers information and assistance on a wide variety of military, federal, state, and local resources.  Examples are legal resources and referrals, financial resources and referrals, crisis intervention and referrals, TRICARE resources and referrals, ID card and Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) information, and community information and outreach. The one for the Lehigh Valley is located in Allentown in the Curtis Armory at the 15th and Allen Streets. Point of Contact is Ms. Tara Rose, Soldier & Family Readiness Specialist, Region 5 (Family Assistance Center Specialists have been replaced) at tel: 717-507-3228 or cell: 717-507-3228  or email:

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Transition Assistance Advisor …  Maybe? #

Don’t let the name, State Transition Assistance Advisors (TAA) , fool you, this is not about transition out of the service but assistance in transitioning back to civilian life while in the Guard, even though you may find difficulty finding it on the PA Guard website.  It’s an ombudsman service especially for those who did not receive and listen to their TAPS training (not uncommon, to be expected). As they put it, “We help you navigate through the numerous benefits and entitlements in the DoD and VA system. We take the time to assist you and not toss you into the ‘800 number desert!’ We will educate you so you will understand the benefits you have earned …” The program initiated in 2005 is primarily designed to serve the members of the National Guard.  No equivalent exists in for the reserve units in this state. However, the Guard says it gladly provide services to members in all of the Reserve components, even those in the Individual Ready Reserve.  We can’t guarantee that, but it is worth asking if you need help. For our area, contact them Tel: 717-861-2613 (located at Building 9-68, Ft. Indiantown Gap).

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Online Help #

Military OneSource: #

Military OneSource provides information and resources on a variety of issues ranging from everyday concerns to deployment and reintegration. The service is funded by the Department of Defense and is available to active duty, Guard and Reserve Airmen and their families 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The program was introduced to the Air Force in February 2004 with the intent of creating a way to reach military Guard and Reserve members who were not located near active duty resources. While reaching the Guard and Reserve is still a goal, Military Onesource has expanded and is now being used by many active duty members. One of its advantages is that it provides a phone/email consultant for assistance. To access Military OneSource, use the website or call 1-800-342-9647.

Military Community and Family Policy Website: #

The MC&FP Website, formerly listed as the Military Homefront website, this is the Department of Defense website for official Military Community and Family Policy (MC&FP) program information, policy and guidance designed to help troops and their families, leaders, and service providers. It has the same call line for assistance as Military OneSource (see above).

Knowing Your Army Benefits: # is useful to those from the other services as well. A very useful guide. After all, all the other services are auxiliaries to the oldest of our services.  See also “Knowing Your Veterans Benefits” below.

National Resource Directory: #

The National Resource Directory (NRD), with the many resources found in it, can be of use to more than the injured or wounded service members, veterans, their families and those who support them, its original intention.  Consider it one of the better “fonts of knowledge.” It is maintained by the departments of Defense (DoD), Labor, and Veterans Affairs (VA) and includes information from federal, state and local governmental agencies and many other private and non-profit organizations.

National Military Family Association: #

The National Military Family Association is an organization which exists to educate military families concerning their rights, the benefits and services available to them, and to inform them regarding issues that affect their lives. It also advocates for needed legislation and policies. This is a “font of knowledge” site and useful to both active and reserve component families.

Coping with Returning from the War Zone – the Servicemember and His Family:  Under Review

Helping Military and Veterans’ Children Cope: #

Visit our own website page  which provides in one place several useful websites (best of type) for families and educators.

DOD Wounded, Ill and Injured Compensation and Benefits Handbook: #

The Wounded, Ill and Injured Compensation & Benefits Handbook is a DoD product, created in collaboration with the VA and other federal agencies. This handbook is designed to help servicemembers who are wounded, ill and injured, as well as the family members who are taking care of them, navigate through the military and veteran disability, evaluation, compensation, and ben­efits programs that are designed to help them, “… to find government programs and resources they can use during this journey. It provides a centralized location that briefly introduces and summarizes programs and resources, while providing links for further information.”

USA.GOV Disability Services: # is a resource not to be overlooked because a veteran is also a citizen.  The website seems a replacement for the former

Joint Services Support: #

You would never know it, but has greater use than just for National Guardsmen.

Other Helpful Sites: #

    Army Reserve Family Program website
    National Guard Family Program website 
    The Pennsylvania National Guard Family Support Program  website
    Navy Family Readiness website
    Air Force Reserve  “Airman and Family” website
    Marine Corps Reserve Family Readiness website

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    Last Updated: 13 June 2022 (link updates)


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