Legal Assistance


Occasionally the need arises for special legal services for military service members and veterans. Since we have received more than one call over this subject, we will begin maintaining a listing of pro bono legal service providers. This is a project in development. As more local resources are found, we will list them, but currently we must look into other close-by regions which have done a better job in developing their legal outreach.

Be it known, we will not list attorneys or legal firms seeking your business for commercial purposes. We endorse no one.


The VA is not a primary source of legal assistance, but here are some useful links provided by their Office of General Counsel.

Legal Service Clinics: #

Since 2011, the number of VA medical facilities have increased in housing legal service clinics (sic).  Pennsylvania has them at all medical centers except at Butler and Wilkes-Barre.

Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists: #

Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists exist, but do not confuse them as being legal assistance representatives.  According the to the VA, the purpose of the Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) Program is to avoid the unnecessary criminalization of mental illness and extended incarceration among Veterans by ensuring that eligible justice-involved Veterans have timely access to VHA services as clinically indicated. Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists are responsible for direct outreach, assessment, and case management for justice-involved Veterans in local courts and jails, and liaison with local justice system partners.  The program is also heavily tied to the VA’s homeless veterans program.

Actual Legal Assistance: #

The guidance given by the Office of the General Counsel is if you need legal assistance, you may contact one of the listed legal service clinics, visit the sites below (though it does not endorse the site or organization).

Or, contact your local VJO Specialist who may know of community resources for legal assistance.  In other words, VA legal assistance and guidance is limited.  See below for more.

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Org/Program:  Center for Veterans Advancement #

Purpose:  A Public Law Center initiative which provides legal representation to veterans and their families at both the local and national levels.

Org/Program:  Military Pro Bono Project #

Purpose:  An American Bar Association (ABA) initiative which accepts case referrals from military attorneys on behalf of junior-enlisted, active-duty military personnel and their families with civil legal problems, and it places these cases with pro bono attorneys where the legal assistance is needed. The Project is also the platform for Operation Stand-By, through which military attorneys may seek attorney-to-attorney advice to further assist their servicemember clients.

Org/Program:  National Veterans Legal Services Program #

Phone:      202-265-8305
Purpose:  Dedicated to ensuring that the U.S. government honors its commitment its veterans, generally delves into VA matters, but also has a “Lawyers Serving Warriors” project, which has worked on medical discharge issues and whose current priority is helping veterans with applications for Combat-Related Special Compensation, a Department of Defense administered program.

Org/Program:  StatesideLegal #

Website:, and in particular:
Purpose:  Find your own solutions to common legal problems, and find someone to help you, if you  need legal advice.  Has a locator map.

Org/Program:  The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program #

Purpose:  Provides pro bono attorneys to financially qualified veterans with meritorious claims when their benefits appeals reach the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. In addition, it trains volunteer attorneys as well as supports them with mentors and materials once they accept a case. These four organizations comprise the consortium: The American Legion, the Disabled American Veterans, the National Veterans Legal Services Program, and the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

Org/Program:  Military and Veterans Legal Center #

Purpose:  The ABA Military and Veterans Legal Center brings together all of the ABA entities, programs, and projects focused on legal services for military personnel, veterans, and their families, and provides access to all of these ABA resources to both the public as well as legal professionals.

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Org/Program:  Military Assistance Network – PA Bar Assoc.

Phone:      1-800-932-0311 ext. 2236
Purpose:  Serves veterans’ legal needs

Org/Program:  Military Assistance Program – Phila. Bar Assoc.

Phone:      215-238-6388
Purpose:  Serves veterans’ legal needs

Org/Program:  Military Affairs Committee – Wilkes-Barre Law & Library Assoc.

Phone:   570-822-6712
Purpose:  Serves veterans’ legal needs

Org/Program:  PA Bar Association Pro Bono Office

Phone:     1-800-932-0311 ext. 2236
Purpose:  Provides services towards arts, civil rights, community development;  consumer debt, credit, bankruptcy; disability, education, elder law; employment; environmental; family and juvenile; health, HIV/AIDS; homelessness, housing, foreclosure; immigration and naturalization; life planning; nonprofit organizations; prisoners; benefits, taxes, veterans legal needs, seniors

Org/Program:  Homeless Advocacy Project in Philadelphia

Phone:     215-523-9595
Purpose:  Provides services towards debt, credit, bankruptcy issues; health, homelessness, housing; public benefits, child custody, support, visitation, divorce; records, trusts and estates

Org/Program:  Veterans Project – PA Health Law Project

Phone:     1-800-274-3258
Purpose:  Advises and represents low-income veterans having problems accessing care through the Department of Veterans Affairs. More generally, PHLP an expert and consultant on access to health care for low-income consumers, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.

Org/Program:  Disability Rights Pennsylvania

Phone:     1-800-692-7443
Purpose:  No reason not to tap this agency if your disability is involved.  It is an independent, statewide, nonprofit corporation designated as the federally-mandated protection and advocacy agency in Pennsylvania.   As the protection and advocacy agency in Pennsylvania, DRP works to advance and protect the civil rights of adults and children with a wide range of disabilities to ensure their rights to live in their communities with the services they need, to receive a full and inclusive education, to live free of discrimination and abuse and neglect, and to have control and self-determination over their services.

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None specifically tackling veterans issues have been identified at this time.

Org/Program:  North Penn Legal Services #

Phone:      1-877-953-4250
Purpose:  Provides free civil legal services to low income families in Northeast Pennsylvania. Determines your eligibility based on: the specifics of your case or legal needs, your household income, and where you live (not all services are available in all counties)


Original Source: ABA Commission on Homelessness & Poverty
Modified, adapted and updated by LVMAC

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Last Updated: 16 June 2022 (links updates and corrections)

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