Education – for Survivors and Dependents

Introduction #

This page is devoted to dependent and survivor scholarships.  However, go to the veterans page for college locator services and other information that might be of use, such as general student scholarships.

Fry Scholarships #

The Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship is for children and spouses of certain military veterans.  If your parent or spouse died in the line of duty on or after September 11, 2001, while serving in one of the Armed Forces, or was a member of the Selected Reserve who died from a service-connected disability, you may qualify for this benefit.  Managed by the VA.  All instructions are contained in the link above.

PHEAA Military Dependent Scholarship Site #

The Pennsylvania Higher Education

Pennsylvania Government ‘Scholarship’ Opportunities #

Department of Military and Veterans Affairs has a well-hidden Education Services Center for its National Guard and an Educational Gratuity Program for disabled veterans’ children.

The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) actually provides the most useful Pennsylvania government information, although it fails to mention DMVA’s opportunity.

The LVMAC Scholarship Program #

For those from the Lehigh Valley, LVMAC offers its own scholarship program to support its community military-veterans community.  Go to the our Scholarship Program page on our main website for criteria and applications forms.

Other Military Children Scholarships #

Scholarships for Military Children is a useful site for this purpose provided by the Fisher House organization..  Check its search engine.  More than the Fisher House scholarship is available.

Operation Military Kid also provides a useful listing of military children only scholarships.

Military Spouse Scholarships #

Operation Military Kid provides a small section devoted to military spouse scholarships.

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Last Updated:  23 June 2022

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