A Memorial Day Speech Worth Remembering

Published by Rich Hudzinski on

There are a some historically recognized speeches that get to the true purpose of Memorial Day — the need for remembrance — using the simple, powerful thoughts to reflect upon the duty incurred to the dead by those who survived or followed.. The speech below is one of them.. 

Please forgive the religious expression at the end — if needed.  Americans, no matter their origins or beliefs, should recognize the Judaeo-Christian, Lockean notions upon which this nation was originally founded.  Indeed, we were the first nation born of an idea for fair, democratic governance ensuring liberty and justice — even in the face of concessions made to the wealthy and the powerful of the time to get it started.  Hopefully, we have not forgotten, as we have progressed, that these notions are as valuable today as they were in the past for others. That they are something for which to die, but also to live.

Click here for the speech and the background behind it.

Source: courtesy of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association


As of 25 March 2024