Forward Observer: Bethany UM Adds to Its Military Veteran Family Support Services

LVMAC Poster Art 2005As we reported in a 19 September blog, Bethany United Methodist Church located in the Macungie/Wescoville area, intended to conduct two workshops to promote a better understanding of PTSD with the ultimate intention of starting a peer-to-peer support group afterwards.

As a result of those meetings, we have learned that the church has started two of these types of support groups instead:  one for male veterans and another for women, whether veterans or spouses or ‘significant others’ — which makes this group unique to the valley when looked at from a veteran’s context. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit: Free Peer-to-Peer Recovery Training Opportunity

Hello LVMAC friends,

I want to share news about a training we are helping to coordinate – specifically for those working with veterans who are suffering with substance use disorders.  Treatment Trends is collaborating with Pennsylvania Recovery Organizations Alliance (PRO-A) to offer a Special Training Opportunity:

On Friday, November 1, 2019, “Serving Those who SERVED” training will be offered at Cetronia Ambulance Corps, 4300 Broadway, Allentown, PA 18104. (more…)

Forward Observer — Getting the Right Treatment

Newly Formed Department Steps In

LVMAC Poster Art 2005Earlier this year, the relatively new Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) stepped in and righted a wrong over a matter of significance to those veterans who struggle with alcohol or drug use. Its action should not go unnoticed, for it has a deep impact on the way business has been done in the past. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Permanent Employment for the Chronically Unemployed?

Lehigh Conf of ChurchesOne of the smaller, gold-nugget programs we help fund as part of our effort to assist veterans is Lehigh Conferences of Church’s Permanent Employment Program (PEP) because its vision entails assisting “chronically unemployed individuals to search for, and obtain, meaningful employment by providing barrier assessment, education, case management, and subsidized work experiences in the Lehigh Valley” – in other words, a holistic, work-oriented approach. In so doing, it can take a veteran who was once unemployed to a state of self-sufficiency through meaningful, permanent employment which does not have to be subsidized. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — PTSD/Co-Occurring Disorder Vet Grant Opportunity, Short Notice

Frankly, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania seems poor in distributing word or notifying of grant opportunities in the veterans arena.  As a consequence, this grant opportunity has been extended beyond its original 13 or 14 February deadline.  So, we are taking the unusual step of trying to spread the word, since they have only extended the deadline to 27 February.

An extension has been given to the following grant:

The Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) is announcing the availability of up to $750,000 in competitive grants from funds appropriated for Veterans outreach and shall be used for programs providing treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and co-occurring disorders such as substance abuse for Veterans. (more…)

Forward Observer — Veterans Sanctuary is Gone, but Something of It Remains

LVMAC Poster Art 2005As most already know, Veterans Sanctuary unfortunately is no more. It ceased to be after a troubled ten months of operation last year. The building, which was the physical shell for a sophisticated therapeutic approach to treating our returning war veterans, both men and women, when they suffered from chronic addiction to drugs or alcohol and profound war-induced trauma, figuratively collapsed for lack of local county, state and federal government support – only the City of Allentown had assisted.

But a light still shines. (more…)