Lehigh Valley VA Community Town Hall

VA Healthcare Changes May Make It Worth Your While The event will provide military veterans, family members and the public, feedback on VA operations and give them a chance to ask questions about recent expanded benefits through the PACT Act. Staff will also be on hand throughout the Community Town Read more…

Forward Observer — Nehmer Decision Comes to Any Vietnam Veteran Exposed to Herbicides

VA to readjudicate past claims for possible herbicide exposure

On 14 May, the VA formally announced that military veterans who were previously denied service connection for an herbicide related presumptive condition due to lack of in-country Vietnam service will have their claims automatically readjudicated by VA.  “Readjudication means VA will review the evidence of record and provide replacement decisions in the cases of those who were previously denied service connection benefits,” said Acting VA Under Secretary for Benefits Thomas Murphy.  The review also applies to eligible survivors of deceased Vietnam-era veterans, an issue of significance nowadays due to past VA delays. (more…)