LVMAC News: Wilkes-Barre VA Wants A Suicide Prevention Coalition in the Lehigh Valley

Reed Walker, Community Engagement and Partnerships Coordinator (CEPC) from the Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center, explained to the council at its 19 July 2023 meeting that the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is interested in creating a Suicide Prevention Coalition in the Lehigh Valley towards achieving its clinical healthcare priority: preventing veteran Read more…

LVMAC News: Battle Borne Explains Why It Exists and What it Does

Presented by Chris Yarnell, President of Battle Borne on 18 May 2022 at the council meeting.  It came about as a result of need, and is now an example of government-community partnership to a concrete purpose at the ground floor level.  Recovery requires more than chatter; families have needs also; connecting veterans and their families to resources requires warm hand-off. (more…)