LVMAC Tidbit — Coming Home? Looking for Information?

Published by LVMAC on

LVMAC Armed Forces Week Poster 2010 Coming home and transitioning often leads to more questions than answers as the reality sets in. Trying to get good information, often with a local Lehigh Valley slant — i.e., tailored information?  Lost in the thicket of  government, nonprofit and business websites when simply trying to get a lead on where to first inquire?

We want you to know the Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council routinely posts and updates useful information all in one place under its Answers Desk feature, found on both its web and blog sites.  All you will see is a result of a questions asked of us at one time or another by people like you.  Sometimes it requires extensive research — so we know how frustrating it can be to find an answer.  While maybe we don’t always succeed, we earnestly try to provide useful answers and  make information hunting simpler.   Try us.

Want to also know what is going on in the Lehigh Valley community of veterans and military?  Make our blog site one of your first stops.


As of 10 May 2013