LVMAC Tidbit: Having Difficulty Finding Employment?

Published by LVMAC on

Are you a veteran returning to the Lehigh Valley and looking for a job?  Have you just lost a job?  The question for you might be how best to find one.

Yes, going to college is the typical answer these days, but a job on the other end is never guaranteed.  CareerLink is yet another, but currently lacks the Disability Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) counselor to properly assist.

Going out on a limb, the Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council (LVMAC) believes traditional college training and employment methods are not necessarily the answer for most veterans for finding a job, especially for those with families to immediately support after separation from service — at least until stability is assured.  The GI Bill, a valuable benefit,  is meant to be used wisely, not as a living stipend as sometimes has become the case.

As it happens, the Lehigh Valley’s manufacturing community is actively seeking veterans.  Some businesses have actually partnered with the Northampton Community College in a joint venture called “micro-credentialing.”  In other words, successfully completing a simple, nine week course at no expense, practically assures you a job. Why not chance this route?  Yes, these are jobs on the manufacturing floor or just above, but the pay is often good; and, at worse, your entry point to advancement — and later, better use of your GI Bill.

Interested?  Click here on course dates and how to sign up.  Be quick about it: we mean double-time it.  Enrollment dates end very soon, and there is a screening process.

We have scouted this program, and while it is not perfect,  see its potential and value if it continues to work with LVMAC.  The program cuts through the chatter of helping finding employment in a practical way.  To boot, Northampton Community College, a member organization, is one of the best community colleges in the state and actually has a real veterans advisor.

However, if you are enrolled and find this program falls significantly short, do us a courtesy and let us know. We will interview you for feedback because we do not abide second-rate efforts when it comes to veterans.  In the same token, do not come to us if you have not given the best of yourself to the training.

Here is a last tidbit for you: a veteran is its key instructor.


As of 18 September 2018


Categories: Tidbits