LVMAC Tidbits — Veterans Sanctuary: Closed Up for Good?

Treatment Trends Announces Suspension of Operations

It is with profound dismay that the Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council informs you of Veterans Sanctuary’s suspension of operations. It was our only local, long-term residential addiction and PTSD services treatment facility exclusively dedicated to military veterans. This important asset to our veterans statewide is no longer accepting clients. (more…)

LVMAC News — Lang Says Schools Need to Pay More Attention to their Veterans


On 16 May 2012, Mr. Joshua Lang, Vice President, National Leadership Council, Student Veterans of America,  spoke to the Council at its business meeting on the topic of “Student Veterans of America and Returning Veterans.”

Mr. Lang served in the 82nd Airborne Division from 2005 to 2008 and was deployed to Afghanistan. Subsequently he has served in the National Guard.  He is one from the youngest generation of veterans.

At the beginning of his talk, he highlighted the process of “getting out.”  In his experience, many veterans, especially the younger ones, are not set up for success when their term of service expires – both financially and mentally. The Department of Defense has acknowledged this and begun taking steps forward.  The Student Veterans of America, Inc. (SVC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is all about “setting up veterans prior to their getting out and sending them on the path to success.” (more…)

LVMAC Tidbits — Older Vets Retraining Assistance Update

“VOW to Hire Heroes” Act’s Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP) About to Begin Accepting Applications

This is an update to the 28 March article.  Short story is:

  1. Applications will accepted starting 15 May but the application form is still unknown;
  2. High demand occupations the program will support are now specified;
  3. One can now sign up to receive personalized email notifications to keep abreast;
  4. Competition can expected to be heavy considering the number of slots available and the state of the economy — get up early and get there first.

And here is the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey used to say: (more…)