Forward Observer: More USAF Veterans Finally Get Needed Recognition for Agent Orange Presumptive Conditions

VA Extends Disability Benefits to Air Force Personnel Exposed to Contaminated C-123 Aircraft

LVMAC Poster Art 2005On 18 June, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) published a long-awaited regulation that expands eligibility for some benefits for a select group of Air Force Veterans and Air Force Reserve personnel who were exposed to the herbicide Agent Orange through regular and repeated contact with contaminated C-123 aircraft that had been used in Vietnam as part of Operation Ranch Hand (ORH). (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Spiritual Fitness Training Offered by Army OneSource on 15 July

Army OneSource Logo_234x60_greenPA Military Spirtual Wellness Alliance Flyer 15July2015Army OneSource has launched a formal campaign to engage faith leaders and counselors in providing services and support to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of soldiers and their families.  It wishes to raise the awareness of the role that faith communities can play and to  provide them resources to reach out to soldiers and their families within a community.  This is the first time we have seen this initiative being put into practice Pennsylvania and therefore want to let you know about it. (more…)