LVMAC Tidbit: Having Difficulty Finding Employment?

Are you a veteran returning to the Lehigh Valley and looking for a job?  Have you just lost a job?  The question for you might be how best to find one.

Yes, going to college is the typical answer these days, but a job on the other end is never guaranteed.  CareerLink is yet another, but currently lacks the Disability Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) counselor to properly assist.

Going out on a limb, the Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council (LVMAC) believes traditional college training and employment methods are not necessarily the answer for most veterans for finding a job, especially for those with families to immediately support after separation from service — at least until stability is assured.  The GI Bill, a valuable benefit,  is meant to be used wisely, not as a living stipend as sometimes has become the case. (more…)