LVMAC Tidbit –VA Photo ID Cards (Proof of Service/Business Discount Cards) for All (Actually Most) Veterans Coming in November |

Published by LVMAC on

A VA official on Wednesday confirmed the cards are on track to be available nationwide starting in November.

Source: VA Photo ID Cards for All Veterans Coming in November |

Editor’s Note:  This a result of the Veterans Identification Card Act of 2015.  The card cannot be used as proof of eligibility to any federal benefits, entitlements and services; and it does not grant access to military installations.  It only establishes an honorably discharged veteran served in the armed forces (although we cannot find where the law specifies one must be honorably discharged).  Therefore, essentially their primary value lies in obtaining business discounts — that is, “goods, services and promotional activities” offered by the private and public sector.  Although the law specifies the VA shall charge for this service (one could consider it an off-mission burden), the Department of Veterans Affairs has said it will not.  Note that military exchanges will offer their online services to any veteran with an honorable discharge as of 11 November 2017.  Serendipity?

For more information on the law, see


As of 4 October 2017