LVMAC Tidbit: Join in a Very Special Tribute to Freedom

The fourteenth annual Tribute to Our Freedom, to be held on 19 May 2019 between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. at its Macungie location (3801 Brookside Road), is an inspiring evening to honor and pray for our veterans.  This one is intended to honor Purple Heart recipients. There will be a color guard, armed forces medley, patriotic performances, a Purple Heart veterans presentation and hors d’oeuvres Meet & Greet following.  This evening is free and open to the entire community. At this moment, it is seeking Purple Heart veterans to honor (past and present) in two ways: (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit: Ritter School Honoring Veterans Once Again

Once again the students of the Ritter School prepare for their well-known Veterans Day event.  It is currently looking for veterans to step up to be interviewed.  Details are provided by clicking on the images below.

The project starts off with interviewing veterans on 27 September.  Students are given the opportunity to interview those who have served or are currently serving our country in one of the highest ways possible: service in the armed forces of the United States.  The end result is a remarkable event honoring these citizens at a school assembly on 9 November, which is open to veterans whether or not interviewed. (more…)

LVMAC Tidibit: A Different Kind of Memorial Day Event

The Pennsylvania Music Preservation Society is conducting its first-ever “The Great Pennsylvania Music and Arts Celebration” at the Allentown Fairgrounds between 26 and 28 May.  Admission is free.  The part of interest to us revolves around the military and veteran recognition events and displays — and especially the ones involving the remembrance of those who gave their lives for us and, as part of that remembrance, for all our citizens to rededicate themselves to caring “… for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations” to ensure those lives have not been wasted.  Originating out of the devastation of the Civil War experience, this is the purpose of Memorial Day — not the pomp and circumstance, the glitz and glam that often comes with it.

Towards that end, we have extracted from their program of events and listed below those parts dealing exclusively with our Council’s area of interest and, in particular, some of Monday’s events (click on the images to enlarge them). (more…)